What is Drowsy Driving and How To Avoid It?

Drowsy Driving

Drowsy driving is a term used to describe the act of driving while feeling sleepy or exhausted. It’s a dangerous situation that can severely impair your ability to drive safely. Being drowsy behind the wheel makes it difficult to concentrate, increases reaction times, and leads to poor decision-making while driving. Drowsy driving often occurs when drivers are sleep-deprived, have consumed alcohol, or are taking medications that cause drowsiness. In this article, we’ll be discussing some other important aspects of drowsy driving, and how to avoid it.

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Consequences of Drowsy Driving:

Drowsy driving is a serious problem that leads to thousands of injuries and deaths every year. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drowsy driving is the cause of more than 100,000 crashes per year, resulting in over 1,550 fatalities and 71,000 injuries. These figures are alarming and highlight the severe consequences of drowsy driving.

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How to Avoid Drowsy Driving?

There are many ways to combat drowsy driving, here are a few tips on how to avoid it:

1. Get Enough Sleep – Getting a good night’s sleep is the best way to avoid drowsy driving. Adults should aim for seven to nine hours of sleep.

2. Take Breaks – Take regular breaks during long-distance trips. A ten to fifteen-minute break for every two hours of driving is recommended.

3. Avoid Alcohol – Never drink alcohol and then drive. Not only does alcohol impair your driving, but it also makes you drowsy.

4. Avoid medication that causes drowsiness – If you have to take medication that causes drowsiness, avoid driving until its effect wears off.

5. Avoid driving during your body’s natural sleeping time – If possible, avoid driving between midnight and 6 am, the time when your body is likely to feel the most tired.

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Drowsy driving is a serious problem that can result in devastating consequences. Taking the steps above can help you avoid drowsy driving and make the roads a safer place. Remember, if you experience drowsiness or fatigue while driving, the best thing you can do is to pull over and rest. Your safety, and the safety of others on the road, is of utmost importance.

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